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imaginary palace of the kanva dynasty

Kanva Dynasty : A Forgotten One

The Kanva Dynasty is an often overlooked chapter in ancient Indian history. This dynasty emerged during a period of political turmoil in ancient India around 73 BC. They are the successor of Shungas and ruled from Patuliputra, Magadha in Eastern India. Magadha was also the capital of the former Shunga Dynasty.


Origins of Kanva Dynasty:


According to historians Vasudeva founded Kanva Dynasty by killing the last Shunga emperor Devabhuti. Vasudeva was the prime minister of the Shunga emperor Devabhuti. According to Puranas, Kanva kings are Brahmin. 


Notable Rulers of Kanva Dynasty: 



Rulers of kanva dynasty. However, we know very little about kanva dynasty rulers.
The Kanva Rulers


According to Puranas, The Kanvas ruled for 45 years. Vasudeva ruled for 9 years and his son Bhumimitra ruled for 14 years. The successor Narayana, son of Bhumimitra ruled for 12 years. The fourth and last ruler of the Kanva dynasty was Narayana’s son Susarman. After 10 years of the ruling period of Susarman, Andhra king Simuk defeated him and established the Satavahana Dynasty.




  Vasudeva was the founder of the Kanva dynasty. Also, it is believed that the Kanvas had a Brahmic origin and was named after the gotra of the ruler. He stabilized the Magadha emperor. At the time of the last Shunga ruler Devabhuti, the Indo-Greek and Indo-Parthian Empires were attacking Magadha and internal conflicts were rising at great speed. In this unstabilized condition, Vasudeva assassinated Devabhuti and ruled for the next 9 years.




According to some historians, Bhumimitra was probably the most famous ruler of the Kanvas. He ruled for 14 years after his father Vasudeva. He was famous for spreading Buddhism. Many Sanskrit literature works were found during his ruling period. He ruled from 64 BC to 50 BC.


Impacts on Ancient India:


 The Kanva dynasty had a significant impact on ancient India, particularly in the fields of Culture, administration, and trade.


Cultural Contributions: 


Kanvas promoted art, literature, and culture during their rule. They were patrons of Buddhism and supported the growth of Buddhist art and architecture.


Administrative Reforms:


 The dynasty introduced several administrative reforms, which helped in efficient governance. These reforms laid the foundation for the future administrative system in India.


Trade and Economy:


 Under the Kanvas, trade flourished, leading to economic growth. The dynasty’s control over trade routes contributed to India’s prosperity during that period.


People also read:The Remarkable Satavahana Dynasty: A Glimpse into the Past


Decline and Legacy:


 Like many dynasties in ancient India, the Kanva dynasty faced its share of challenges. The decline of the dynasty came about due to internal conflicts and external invasions. Despite this, their legacy continued to influence later rulers and administration. 


 Although this dynasty is relatively short-lived, played a vital role in shaping ancient India’s history. From its humble beginnings to its cultural contributions and administrative reforms, the dynasty’s impact is still felt today. 

2 thoughts on “Kanva Dynasty : A Forgotten One”

  1. Pingback: The Remarkable Satavahana Dynasty: A Glimpse into the Past - India Insights

  2. Pingback: Shunga Dynasty Facts: Everything You Need to Know - India Insights

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