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Culture of India

rakhi purnima

Celebrate The Rakhi Purnima Together

India is a land of diverse festivals, each with individual charm and significance. While many other festivals honor deities, harvests, or historical events, Rakhi Purnima cherishes the unconditional love of brother-sister. Here, Rakhi refers to a protective thread. The festival is observed on the Purnima tithi (full moon day), generally in the month of Shravana. Rakhi Purnima

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Madhubani- Indian Painting

Indian Painting – A great way to learn History

Painting is the beautiful process of using lines and colors to convey human thoughts and emotions. Indian painting is a mesmerizing artistic tradition that portrays India’s diverse culture and history through intricate designs, detailed brushwork, and vibrant colors. It has a long history that started with cave art. Then gradually Indian painting evolved through ceramics,

Indian Painting – A great way to learn History Read More »